It has been several months since I first blogged about my # CMALT frustrations and whilst I haven’t actually succeeded in writing much more I have had so many unexpected benefits since the post. I would never have guessed at just how much my approach to CPD would change and grow from putting my thoughts out in the... Continue Reading →
#FLsocmed Week 1: Twitter, numbers and being sociable
It is the end of my first week on the Social Media Analytics MOOC delivered by the good folk at the Queensland University of Technology. I have learnt how to get started analysing the numbers behind tweets and hashtags and how to use Martin Hawksey's TAGS, which prior to the course I had only unsuccessfully... Continue Reading →
#OLsuccess: my scribbles
Last week I joined in the Jisc #OLsuccess week lead by Lou McGill and Helen Beetham. A round-up can be found on their blog area. Online students could participate via polls, short survey, Twitter or the discussion forum. I have tried to collate my thoughts into this diagram however a couple of things have niggled... Continue Reading →
Jisc #connectmore16 Belfast
I was unable to attend the Jisc Connect More event in Belfast last week but by the power of the technical I was able to present and follow the conversations. Even better I can now view everyone's slides via the Jisc NI website. This post allows me to present my resource list in an Internet friendly way... Continue Reading →
Jumping into the #LTHEchat
I have been following the weekly #LTHEchat as an observer (my more positive equivalent for lurker) for a long time however this week I decided to take the plunge and join in. As the topic was Open CPD it could not have been more apt for my first go. As someone who had never participated in a... Continue Reading →
#CMALT is driving me crazy
Disclaimer: Just to be clear from the outset CMALT is in no way at fault in this scenario, despite the title the fault lies solely with me. On this sunny Friday I have dusted down this old blog site, from when I dabbled with MOOCs, to have a rant at myself regarding my CMALT portfolio.... Continue Reading →
#octel Badges
One of my aims for this week was to find out what this whole badge thing was about in ocTEL and I was obviously not the only person to be intrigued by the talk of badges as I spotted a tweet on Friday asking if we were for or against the system. Before the course... Continue Reading →
#octel Week 1 Thoughts and musings
My MOOC journey to date Last Monday I embarked on my third MOOC. The first #edcmooc was run on the Coursera platform and I enjoyed every minute of the five weeks, the course content, the participants, the non-linear platform and the staff involved all made it a total success and I even earned my completion... Continue Reading →
Examining personal Web usage
I used the web visualiser to get started but then expanded it out for use in and out of work and then turned it into an infographic. The one thing I don't use it for at all is for connecting with friends - I stick to doing that offline.
Web Science: How The Web Is Changing… University Of Southampton
Starting my new MOOC this week. First exercise coming up...